Alamo United Methodist Church
4071 N. Foster Rd. San Antonio, TX 78244 Phone (210) 661-6265
You are Welcome at Alamo UMC
“Alamo The Place to Be”
Sunday School 9:30 AM Worship Sunday at 10:30 AM
Sunday Morning Bible Study 9:30 AM.
To Contact Us:
Phone: 210-661-6265
Office Hours:
Monday—Thursday 9:00 AM –2:00 PM
Pastor Office Hours
Mon-Thu 9:00 - 3:00 PM
Phone: (210) 910-5512
Problems with the web page?
Last Updated:
February 2, 2025 1:44 PM
Thank you for visiting. You are always welcome. The United Methodist Church has many doors through which people share in serving God and others. Whether you visit in person or via the Internet, we hope you discover something here to encourage you in your spiritual journey.
Nursery & Toddler Care
9:30 AM until after Church service
For special functions, by Reservation Only
***Child care and Nursery services are available during all meetings and activities at the church.
The Church uses a phonevite system to notify its members of changes and notifications of services and events. If you are not receiving phone notifications please contact the office to request to be added to the Phonevite list.
The content of this home page is the responsibility of Alamo United Methodist Church. Please send feedback to our worship team by email to
UPDATE: Worship at 10:30 AM both indoors and outdoors with masks at your discretion Now doesn’t that sound like AUMC has you covered. Streaming is now available. The service continues to be broadcast outside the church. We are doing our part to give everyone a worship service so they can receive the spiritual hope needed during this time.
For more information on online donations and offerings Click Here
New Message from the Pastor Here
Newsletters available for download here.
Check our church calendar page for upcoming events.
This Website is updated weekly, Please member to clear cookies to get the updated pages.
Church Members verify your contact information with the Church office.
Every Third Saturday at 10:00 AM Meet the Neighbors Outreach. Meet at the Sanctuary.
Lenten Project: Beginning with Ash Wednesday through to Easter. Make a personal calendar here and select someone from the bulletin or someone you know that needs prayer and pray for them daily. The hope is that everyone will get into the good habit of praying as part of your service to God.