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Alamo United Methodist Church

4071 N. Foster Rd.  San Antonio, TX  78244   Phone (210) 661-6265

You are Welcome at Alamo UMC

                  “Alamo The Place to Be”

Sunday School 9:30 AM       Worship Sunday at 10:30  AM

Sunday Morning Bible Study 9:30 AM.

To Contact Us:

Phone: 210-661-6265



Office Hours:

Monday—Thursday  9:00 AM –2:00 PM

Pastor Office Hours

Mon-Thu  9:00 - 3:00 PM

Phone: (210) 910-5512

Problems with the web page?

Email aumcwebteam@alamoumc.com



Last Updated:

January 19, 2025  1:45 PM

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Home Calendar Ministries Worship Library Sitemap

AUMC Online Event Calendar

About Event Calendar Updates.

The master calendar is the AUMC Web Calendar from the AUMC webpage.  Anyone wanting to add items on the calendar can contact the church office or the AUMC Web administrator at aumcwebteam@alamoumc.com with the event or meeting info to be published.  The upcoming week’s events will be published in the Sunday bulletin with the information available from the master  web calendar.  Monthly calendars will  be available in printed format  in the Entry of the Sanctuary building.

This calendar is NOT all-inclusive of every room reserved on every day. If you are planning an event, feel free to use this as a guide, but know you still need to check with the main office for facility availability and submit a Facilities Use Request before scheduling your event.

Access the online Yahoo calendar here

Every third Saturday of each month will be the meet the neighbors in the area around Alamo UMC.  Meet at the Church at 10 AM.