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Alamo United Methodist Church

4071 N. Foster Rd.  San Antonio, TX  78244   Phone (210) 661-6265

You are Welcome at Alamo UMC

                  “Alamo The Place to Be”

Sunday School 9:30 AM       Worship Sunday at 10:30  AM

Sunday Morning Bible Study 9:30 AM.

To Contact Us:

Phone: 210-661-6265



Office Hours:

Monday—Thursday  9:00 AM –2:00 PM

Pastor Office Hours

Mon-Thu  9:00 - 3:00 PM

Phone: (210) 910-5512

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Email aumcwebteam@alamoumc.com



Last Updated:

January 19, 2025  1:52 PM

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World and Missionary Projects

Imagine No Malaria  Advance # 3021190

The Imagine No Malaria Campaign was officially launched at the 2008 United Methodist Church General Conference, when Global Health was formally adopted as one of four areas of focus. Prior to the General Conference's proclamation, the UMC, through UMCOR Health has established a record of accomplishment of supporting UMC health institutions and community programs for decades. The work has made significant strides in Africa particularly, where Malaria continues to remain the key reason for hospitalization and one of the top killers of children under the age of 5 years and pregnant women.  Donations to this Mission Project has decreased the mortality rate by half in the past two years. You can make a difference.

Rukang Chikomb  Missionary Support

Serving At: Southern Congo Wings of the Morning, Rukang D. Chikomb is a missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church assigned as director of Southern Congo Wings of the Morning, the aviation ministry of the Southern Congo/Zambia Episcopal Area. Southern Congo Wings of the Morning provides transportation for hospitals, educators, mission teams, church leaders, and other mission needs.

Henderson Settlement in Appalachia   

Sharing God's love in Appalachia while providing food, clothing, housing, education and jobs.  

Goals & Objectives

To share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the community we serve.

To build one home a year in the community.

To repair 175 community homes each year.

To provide spiritual, educational, and social opportunities for families in the community.

Provide budgeting and Life Skills classes to help community folks become more knowledgeable and self-sufficient.

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