Alamo United Methodist Church
4071 N. Foster Rd. San Antonio, TX 78244 Phone (210) 661-6265
You are Welcome at Alamo UMC
“Alamo The Place to Be”
Sunday School 9:30 AM Worship Sunday at 10:30 AM
Sunday Morning Bible Study 9:30 AM.
To Contact Us:
Phone: 210-661-6265
Office Hours:
Monday—Thursday 9:00 AM –2:00 PM
Pastor Office Hours
Mon-Thu 9:00 - 3:00 PM
Phone: (210) 910-5512
Problems with the web page?
Last Updated:
December 1, 2024 2:37 PM
Alamo UMC is a partner with Chuck Knows Church. Videos and studies about the Methodist beliefs, faith and doctrine are featured in the weekly videos of Chuck Knows Church. The videos are informative, inspirational and in plain english without the liturgical language. Appropriate for all ages. We find that Chuck is a good way for us to spread the good news and inform visitors on what to expect in a worship service and to understand the religious seasons. You will find links to Chuck Knows Church Website and to his Facebook page. There is also a link for an app available on iTunes store. We hope you enjoy the videos and visit us on Sunday. You can also listen to episodes of Chuck Knows Church on KPPC radio station an extension ministry of Alamo UMC.
Looking to become a Lay Servant or Speaker or brush up on previous training. Click Here for more information on training.